On 11th of February in Vilnius, NATO ENSEC COE team members participated in strategic Arctic wargame organised by Joint Center for Doctrines, Concepts and Experiments (CICDE – Centre Interarmées de Concepts, de Doctrines et d’Expérimentations). This event was dedicated to preparing for the Tabletop Exercise „Coherent Resilience 2025 – Arctic“ to be held by NATO ENSEC COE in the end of this year.
This wargame provided participants with the opportunity to examine various scenarios set between 2025 and 2040, allowing them to assess, strategize, and test political and military decisions related to diplomacy, climate change, access to resources, and military maneuvers.
“More than a tool, a wargame can educate, build awareness, strengthen cohesion, and achieve victory through collective intelligence.” said IC2 (LCL) Gildas PRECHEUR, Deputy Director of ENSEC COE.
The CICDE is the French Joint Centre for Concepts, Doctrines, and Experimentation. It is part of the French Armed Forces and is responsible for developing military doctrine, conducting strategic studies, and experimenting with new operational concepts.
The CICDE plays a key role in shaping France’s defense strategies by analyzing emerging threats, integrating new technologies, and improving interoperability among the Army, Navy, and Air and Space Force.