What is NATO COE?
The NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence (ENSEC COE) is a widely recognized international military organization that strives to provide qualified and appropriate expert advice on questions related to operational energy security. ENSEC COE offers technical, scientific and academic subject matter expertise on energy security that contributes to: risk assessment analyses; energy wise secure solutions for the development of environmentally friendly and efficient military capabilities; developing the Smart Defence Initiative; and Supports NATO Operations through targeted technical scientific assessment.
The NATO ENSEC COE was created on July 10 and accredited on October 12, 2012.

To Support NATO, Nations and Partners to meet the challenges of a dynamic energy security environment by addressing resilience, operational energy efficiency, and critical energy infrastructure protection.
The NATO ENSEC COE must be the recognized hub of knowledge and expertise in Energy Security for the benefit of the Alliance and the Nations in the following three domains:
- Awareness of energy developments with security implications for NATO;
- Improving the energy efficiency of NATO military forces through and demonstrating energy-efficient solutions for the military;
- Supporting NATO, Nations and Partners capacity in protecting critical energy infrastructure, as well as enhancing their resilience against energy supply disruptions that could affect national and collective defence, including hybrid and industrial cyber threats.

The NATO ENSEC COE is composed of military and civilian experts from NATO and Partner Nations. The Steering Committee guides the activities of the Centre through yearly based Program of Work coordinated with NATO Allied Command Transformation.
The structure of COE consists of Director’s Office; Doctrine and Concept Development Division; Education, Training and Exercise Division; Research, Analysis and Lessons Learned Division and Support Division.

Member nations
Framework Nation – Lithuania.
Sponsoring Nations: Estonia; France; Germany; Italy; Latvia; Poland; Türkiye, United Kingdom; United States.
Contributing Partners: Finland; Georgia; Ukraine.