Call for Abstracts – Energy Highlights
Energy security is a key topics amongst Allies. NATO outlined the strategic thre
Energy security is a key topics amongst Allies. NATO outlined the strategic thre
This issue explores some of most pressing issues in the sector today: commodity
In this edition, the authors have attempted to outline the very broad term of Cr
Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has plunged the European continent int
The energy transition is a pathway toward transformation of the global energy se
The clean energy transition is without a doubt one of the greatest challenges of
The splitting of the atom is without a doubt one of humanity’s greatest techno
These three very different articles serve as an important reminder that energy s
COVID-19 has caused exceptional turmoil in world energy markets and societies, b
Chapter 1 – Wind Energy Systems and TechnologiesChapter 2 – Radar Systems an
The fuel or energy source has a large impact on the operating emissions in shipp
This study identifies and analyses the success of different hybrid warfare tools
The paper shows that the Baltic States are consistently getting closer to achiev
This issue of Energy Highlights is a direct response to these challenges we face
This issue of Operational Highlights provides a timely overview of the emerging
The Innovative Energy Solutions for Military Applications (IESMA), a biennial in
Changing security aspects for future energy systems: Renewable energy and possib
Energy Security: Eight Relevant LessonsMICHAEL RÜHLERelevant political and tech
Estonia’s Developing Level Playing Field for Critical Energy Infrastructure Pr
Energy Resource Management of the Italian ArmyCIRO APREA AND VINCENZO CARI’Ove
2014: A Watershed Year for Energy SecurityMICHAEL RÜHLERussia’s illegal annex
Energy Security Discipline Development in NATO: First Steps for Moving Forward
NATO and Energy Security: Current Achievements and Future Challenges SORIN DU
National Research Council of Canada (NRC) backs up historic civil 100 percent bi
Smart Energy at “Capable Logistician 2013” Dr. Susanne Michaelis In mi
Energy Self-Sufficient Military Installations: Rewards and Obstacles John R.
New Scenarios for the Arctic: Hot Developments in the High North Florinda GIA